6 x 10 tray with red background and big color blobs of orange, turquoise and yellow. $85 includes shipping to anywhere in the US.

5 x 10 chartreuse-ish tray with many stripes of many colors. Okay, well, a few stripes of a few different colors. $85 includes USPS to anywhere in the US.

9.5 x 9.5 tray with black background and multi colored BRIGHT stripes. $100 includes USPS to anywhere in US.

9.5 x 10 tray with vanilla background and multi colored chunks in turquoise, amber, butterscotch, and dark red, with screenprinted amoebas. $115.00 includes USPS to anywhere in the US.

5 x 10 plate with black background and bright color chunks. $85.00 includes USPS to anywhere in US.

9.5 x 4.5 tray with clear background and wierd acid colors and black patterned stripes. $75.00 (including $15.00 S/H charge to anywhere in US).

cute lil' 4 x 4" plate with translucent white background and multi brown and blue chunks. $30.00 plus $8.00 USPS to anywhere in the US.

10 x 10 plate - Vanilla background with multi-colored inserts and AMOEBAS!

Available EXCLUSIVELY at the Orange County Museum of Art. www.ocma.net